All about All-on-4 Dental Implants

Suitable patients have the ability to restore their smile in just one appointment with All-on-4 dental implants. The All-on-4 dental implant-based restorative treatment minimizes appointment frequency and enables patients to gain self-confidence and mouth function in a short period of time.

Since dental implants integrate into the jaw bone, they help patients obtain the strength and stability that natural teeth and their roots provide to the jawbone. Implants require a strong bone to support them, which is why dentists will determine the densest part of a patient’s jawbone and place implants there.

The concept of All-on-4 as a dental solution stems from the number of implants (four) placed in the jawbone and the bridge attached to them. If you have considered a permanent device to replace missing teeth or currently removable dentures, contact us at our Fresno, CA dental practice to schedule an appointment and learn more about All-on-4 dental implants today.

What are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

All-on-4 dental implants replace an entire arch, or both arches, of missing or severely deteriorating teeth with a bridge attached to titanium implants in the jawbone.

After consultation with Dr. Denes and determining that All-on-4 dental implants will work for you, the procedure can be completed in one day. In addition to the short amount of time needed for the procedure, All-on-4 provides a patient with many benefits.

Bone Loss Prevention

All-on-4 implants help preserve and maintain the bone in the jaw after the process of osseointegration, in which the implants and jawbone fuse together and help maintain bone structure.


Unlike dentures or devices that rest on top of the gums, All-on-4 implants integrate with the gums and bone, preventing discomfort from rubbing or sore patches on the gums.  All-on-4 dental implants offer patients who dislike removable dental devices a solution.

Eating Capabilities

Implants can withstand chewing and consumption of certain foods (chewier or hard foods) that one often cannot eat while wearing dentures, helping with increased variety in your diet and bite strength.


Since tooth and bone loss affects facial dimensions and appearance, All-on-4 implants can help change your appearance and your smile to your liking by keeping the jawbone from deteriorating and filling in gaps or spaces from missing teeth.

What is the Placement Procedure?

Dr. Denes will use x-ray imaging to accurately measure the available bone in the jaw and its density to plan the implant placement and create surgical guides.

After initial scanning and imaging to identify the best placement for the dental implants, Dr. Denes will complete the All-on-4 procedure in one day.

Two implants go at the front of the arch, and two implants go behind them, usually placed at an angle to maximize use of the jaw bone for those two implants. The four implants support the arch of teeth, otherwise known as the bridge, that will follow.

Prior to the implant surgery, a temporary bridge is created, which Dr. Denes will modify for a personalized fit for the patient, immediately after the posts are placed. Dr. Denes then fits the temporary bridge onto the implant posts.

After a period of healing and osseointegration of the implants and the jawbone, Dr. Denes will remove the temporary bridge and place the permanent restoration.

Who Would Benefit from All-on-4 Dental Implants?

You would likely benefit from All-on-4 treatment if you:

  • Have deteriorating or missing teeth due to gum disease
  • Wear a bridge or dentures that slip or wobble
  • Suffer from low self-confidence when talking or eating because of missing teeth or unstable dental devices
  • Miss eating food without restriction to softer foods
  • Want fixed, permanent teeth

You don’t have to deal with adhesive-secured dentures any longer! Give Dr. Denes and our team a call at 559-297-1294 at our Fresno, CA office location today.

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